Articles for Dr McNeal

Casavant, M., and Cherkowkski, S. (2001).  Effective leadership:

Bringing mentoring   and creativity to the principalship.  NASSP Bulletin, 85, (624),




Crippen, C. (2005). Servant-leadership as an effective model for

educational leadership and management: First to serve, then to lead.  Management in

Education, 18 (5), 6-16.



Darling-Hammond, L. (2004).  Standards, accountability, and school

reform.  Teachers  College Record, 106 (6), 1047-1085.



Foley, R., and Lewis, J. (1999). Self-perceived competence of secondary

school principals to serve as school leaders in collaborative-based educational

delivery systems.  Remedial and Special Education, 20 (4), 233-234.



Kelley, R., Thornton, B., and Daugherty, R. (2005).  Relationships

between measures of leadership and school climate.  Education, 126 (1), 17-25.



Sanders, M., and Harvey, A. (2002).  Beyond the school walls: A case

study of principal Leadership for school-community collaboration.  Teachers College

Record, 104 (7), 1345-1368.



Singh, K., and Billingsley, B. (2001).  Professional support and its

effects on teacher’s commitment.  Journal of Education Research, 91 (4), 229-238.



Spillane, J., Halverson, R., and Diamond, J. (2004).  Toward a theory of

leadership practice: A distributed perspective.  Journal of Curriculum

Studies, 36 (1), 3-34.