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cooperative learning

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago



You and your partners are to research your assigned Civil War Battle. You need to research what specific strengths, weaknesses and strategies played a role in your battle, as well as the military actions, which took place there.  Your presentation will include a wiki story, podcast, visual component, class notes and bibliography. You will be graded on all components of this project. Your podcast will be a verbal explanation of life on the battlefield, the wiki will be the written component, and the a poster board will be the visual representation.



Your podcast must be recorded in a letter format. Your group will become a soldier on a battlefield and you are writing a letter home to your mother describing your experience. Each group will need to pick and podcast from either a northern soldier’s perspective or from a southern soldier’s perspective. Your group will be writing a collective letter that will be used for the podcast on our class wiki page. You will be graded on your individual performance based on how much you contribute to the letter. The letter is due on November 6th.



•    Where was the battle?

•    When was the battle?

•    How long did the battle last?

•    Major Generals involved for both sides.

•    Who had the advantage and why?

•    Did the outcome of your battle affect the War?

•    What was life like on the battlefield?

•    Hardships you faced as a soldier.

•    How many men died.





Visual component:
Each group is to go to the bookstore and purchase a 3-sided poster board {1 per group}. Each panel will be split into strengths/weaknesses for the north and south, Generals involved, interesting facts and a visual layout of the battlefield.  Your poster board must include photographs from the time period and student created illustrations. You will present your poster board while we listen to your podcast about life on the battlefield.

•    A title
•    Color
•    A photograph{s} from that time period
•    Student created Illustrations
•    Strengths and weakness’ for both the Union and Confederate armies
•    Generals involved and interesting facts
•    A visual layout of the battle

Your group will present the podcast and poster boards to the class. When doing so each group must provide notes to each class member so they have information to study from for the upcoming Unit test. I will provide you will a template in which to construct your notes.  I encourage you to present your Battle in a interesting, creative format. In the past students have performed short plays, created props and dressed in costum when teaching the class about their battle. There is no limitation to your imagination, I encourage you to use it!  Your note sheet and presentation will be a portion of your overall grade for this project.


You will need to do some research outside of class, I will remind you of this as on the homework web page.





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